Experiential Learning
Step-wise involvement and empowerment of SHGs as envisaged in the modules of MRC Nepal has proved useful for promoting self-reliance of the SHGs. Gradually they can act as resource groups to other newly formed groups. Hence, the capability building in the gradual and systematic approach is required for the promotion of the self-reliance. The self-reliance can’t be achieved in just a year or two, and with the use of fragmented activities.
- Development of local technical mobilizers within the groups is a reliable source for rendering the technical support to the group members compared to the government extension worker. Group members have high level of access and trust in these technicians. However, for keeping up voluntarism their regular updating through regular training, exposure tours, etc. is required. It is also necessary to assure that their continuous commitment to help the group need to be maintained.
- Local people in the SHGs have most of their own local resources required for the promotion of IG activities. Technical supports and appropriates guidance for resource mobilization can tremendously increase their income leading to poverty alleviation.
- Though the Local Supporter Organizations (LSOs)/Community Baised Organization (CBOs) and local Resource Organizations (ROs) are the main vehicle for the social mobilization and supporting SHGs, however, the close watch by specialized RO is still necessary for correct tracking of the groups before they attain full self-reliance.
- Involvement of women in the groups, and improving their participation in need assessment, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation have significant effect in the development compared to sole group of men.
- Markets for only a few commodities are limited. If all the farmers focusing to the common markets are producing the same commodity, market saturation takes place. Hence, diversification of IGAs will help the producers to get high return from the produce.
- Capacity building is the gradual process. Regular practice is important for this. Preaching only will not add value in the process of capacity building of the organization.
- Project related for livelihood intervention generally required 2-3 years period of production and marketing cycle, that will guide for self relianceness and long run sustanability.
- Social Development/Institutional development activities if run simultaneously/in parallel with Economic development activities produces/results best performance of long run sustainability at community level.