Self Help Group (SHGs) promotion through social mobilization
Group strengthening and capacity buildings
Community Based Approach
Every project is implemented as per the need, interest and demand of the community
Participatory Approach
People’s participation on project planning, user’s group formation and mobilization, action plan preparation, implementation, monitoring, follow-up and in the phase over process is mandatory. Participation on financial contribution and involvement on resource collection and mobilisation promotes the ownership feeling towards the project and enhance the sustainability.
Collaborative/Partnership Approach
MRC intends to work in collaborative approach with CBO/LNGO and line agencies for developing and implementation of the project to meet the common goal.
Coordination and Linkages Approach
MRC establishes a strong linkage mechanism and coordination with the concerned stakeholders, collaborative organizations, line agencies and monitoring institutions to meet the objective of the project. It will help to avoid the duplication and creates a friendly environment while implementing the project.
Inclusion Approach
MRC intends for the inclusion of women, minor castes and ethnic groups for the implementation of the community development activities.
Right Based Approach
Public awareness is needed for empowering the community people and involving in the mainstream of development. MRC Nepal believes that it is possible only from public awareness campaign during project preparation, development and implementation by means of media advertising, community sensitization, non- formal education, trainings, meetings and personal communication.
Sustainable Development Approach
It involves mobilization of local resources and innovations, development of local technical cadre, social mobilization and institutional development and long run technical support.
Anti-Corruption and Anti-Fraud Approach
Corruption and fraud creates conflicts in the community and they are illegal. MRC Nepal will maintain transparency on financial, information and planning of the project. We believe, on the anti fraud approach.
Anti-Social Evil Approach
The staffs and members of MRC Nepal are committed not to involve on social evils e.g. gambling, alcohol drinking etc in the community and will encourage the user’s group members and community people on these manners. They will carry out only the activities that are locally and socially acceptable.
Conflict Resolution Approach
MRC Nepal will involve on finding the root causes of conflicts in a community while implementing the community based activities and try to resolve the potential disputes before it arose. We believe building understanding to each other, interaction will minimize the conflicts. Arbitration between two parties and individual may be needed. All these can build peace and harmony in a community.
Legal but not Political Approach
MRC Nepal will follow the current act, rule and regulation of the government of Nepal. We do not believe on anti legal activities while implementing a project. We will try not to organize the user’s group politically
Flexibility Approach
MRC Nepal will be flexible on incorporating any need based demand. Rigidity in the program may lead to conflicts. However, the flexibility or change in the plan may held with the consensus of the concerning agencies.