Development of village level institutions along with technical and social cadre (LRP – Local Resource Person) via social mobilization, pilot testing of the technologies (both on-farm and off-farm), production and commercialization are the steps for the stabilization of the self-relianceness. The priority production actions are the market oriented commodities like vegetables, fruits, food crops, climate change and DRR, WASH, non-timber forest product (NTFP), bee, pig and goat keeping, fodder promotion, poultry farming based on the interest of the group and local feasibility. Beside these, MRC Nepal has experiences in the field of environment conservation, and natural resource management (farmers' field school on IPM, LEISA, agro-farm forestry, community forestry, sustainable soil management, and watershed management), community development, education, water, sanitation and health, conflict resolution and human rights.
For the sustainability of the program, the role of community is vital. Thus, emphasis has been given to motivate the community people through series of meetings, trainings, awareness campaigning, study tours and other relevant extension approaches. Maximum people participation has been achieved in these activities mainly due to better implementation approach and regular technical support of the implementing organization.
The primary beneficiaries of MRC Nepal’s program at present are the small holders, mainly women, land less, poor, disaster affected victimes, disadvantaged group of rural farmers (mostly dalit and janajati) from the different agro-ecological domains of the country. Poor, unreached and small producers are considered the primary beneficiaries. However the other farmers in the community are advantaged through farmer-to-farmer transfer of technology are the secondary beneficiaries. Moreover, the traders and consumers are the upstream beneficiaries who indirectly involved in the program.